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Here you can find all the published books in The Crystal Mages Trilogy. The eBooks are available at Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble (NOOK), Google Play Books, Amazon, Smashwords, libraries and others. My paperbacks are widely available to order from online stores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Waterstones, as well as libraries. If your favourite retailer link isn't listed, use the 'other' link to go to a page where you can choose a different retailer.

To the East of Thalian lies the continent of Escarnia. The land to the north is now the Kinchere Empire and here magic can only be wielded via Crystals. At least, that is how it is supposed to be... But it was not always so, and the lost land of Ferranzia may hold the key.

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A Shimmer of Magic - available now! The first in The Crystal Mages Trilogy.


A mysterious key, a dark mage, and a thrilling journey of self-discovery and adventure.


Elin has been searching for somewhere to belong her whole life, and when she joins Kamaria, a Crystal Mage, on a quest to a lost land, she finds more than she bargained for.


With renegade mages, assassins, and deadly creatures from legend standing in their way, Elin has to learn to control her wild magic, or a dark mage could be unleashed into the world.


If you enjoyed the epic fantasy series Shadow and Bone, you'll love this coming-of-age story of a daring heroine, friendship, and romance. Buy now and get ready for an enchanting journey!



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A Glint of Blades- available now!  The second in The Crystal Mages Trilogy.


Elin thought she was done with betrayal, but it lurks in the shadows of Draoheach.


In the second book of the YA coming-of-age epic fantasy series, The Crystal Mages Trilogy, Elin searches for redemption for her part in releasing the dark mage, Dalili.


Elin and her friends must discover the truth and root out the evil before the empire spirals into war. Will her parents’ artefact return magic to her people and help in the upcoming battle?


Yet as they continue their journey, they soon learn of a deep betrayal that will reverberate throughout the empire and put their future in doubt.


If you enjoy epic fantasy series, you'll be delighted by A Glint of Blades. Join Elin and her friends as they battle against evil and discover the hidden secrets of Draoheach. Buy now and embark on a journey of magic, mystery, and adventure.


Available now!

A Glitter of Power ebook.jpg

A Glitter of Power - available now! The third in The Crystal Mages Trilogy.


Will Elin fulfil her parents’ prophecy?

Or will Abria consume the world in dark sorcery?


Elin is on a mission to fulfil her parents' legacy and restore the power of magic.


But when dark sorcery threatens to consume the world, Elin and her friends must battle past creatures of myth and legend to activate the artefact


With Elin so focussed on her task, will she lose sight of what is truly important?


It may all come down to a last battle for the fate of Ferranzia, magic, and the empire.


Buy A Glitter of Power for the thrilling conclusion to The Crystal Mages Trilogy

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