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Here you can find all the published books in The Darkling Duology. The eBooks are available at Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble (NOOK), Google Play Books, Amazon, Smashwords, libraries and others. My paperbacks are widely available to order from online stores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Waterstones, as well as libraries. If your favourite retailer link isn't listed, use the 'other' link to go to a page where you can choose a different retailer.

These tales take place on the continent of Thalian. They are set mostly around the large and bustling city of Karas. It, and the surrounding area, have an ancient Mediterranean feel, with influences from Ancient Rome and Greece. Magic is in the blood and considered by many to be a Gift from the Goddess/Goddesses. But dark secrets have arisen in the city of Karas and magic-wielders are no longer welcome.

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The Darkness Within Karas (prequel novella) - available now!


She needs to find her brother.

But she risks never seeing the sun again.


Rosa is strong-willed but naïve and she is desperate to locate her missing brother. He disappeared after travelling to the city of Karas to look for work. Could he have become entangled with the notorious Resistance?


The young girl must keep her magic hidden whilst searching the depths of the corrupt city. For if the sinister Dark Patrol catch her, she may never see her brother, or the sun, again.


This is a prequel novella in The Darkling Duology world and is set 25 years prior to the events of The Shard. It will introduce you to the magic and the history of the city of Karas - the most important setting in The Darkling Duology.


If you enjoy independent heroines, magic and adventure, you will love this YA Epic Fantasy.


Buy The Darkness Within Karas and follow Rosa’s desperate mission to save her brother.

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The Shard - Available now!


Ancient magic and dark secrets await.


Nalani feels adrift and an outcast in her homeland. With her mysterious powers nothing but a burden, she is determined to reclaim her destiny.


In the rich and vibrant city of Karas she discovers fiercely loyal friends and embarks on a quest to uncover the source of the corruption that plagues the city. But as she delves deeper into the unknown, she soon discovers the greatest danger lies within herself.


Filled with dark magic, dangerous secrets, a strong female lead, and hard-won friendships, The Shard is the first book in the young adult, coming-of-age epic fantasy Darkling Duology.


Buy The Shard to capture a fragment of hope today

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The Dark Cluster - Available now!


The fate of Nalani's world hangs in the balance


Nalani is basking in her newfound contentment. But when her magic surges back to life, she is convinced it holds the key to her past.


She returns to Karas and recruits her old friends to join her quest to find her long-lost father and confront an ominous lord who lurks in the mountains.


Along the way, she and her friends will face danger and adventure, while she discovers the strength and courage within herself to stand against the madness of a man corrupted, and the terrifying weapon of a charismatic king.


If you enjoy coming of age stories with strong female protagonists and magic, then you'll love The Dark Cluster.

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The Darkling Duology Boxset: includes prequel and both books -   Available now!


Magic and adventure await in this YA Epic fantasy boxset.

Discover a vivid world of magic and mystery. Join strong female protagonists and their friends as they embark on adventures that may affect the fate of thousands. Follow as they battle evil, dark energy, and the land itself. There will be danger, sweet romance, and laughter, but always a satisfactory ending.

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